Thursday, February 21, 2013

What's missing at the library

So I had a job subbing on Tuesday. It was kinda nice to have something to do (shocker!), though I can't say as much for waking up so early. Maybe one day I'll get used to it and prefer it to staying up late. One can hope...

After school I arrived home and realized that I had forgotten to take my house key when I left this morning. It happens from time to time, but at least this time I had my car keys on me. I decided that I'd see what time my roommates would be coming home and go enjoy myself somewhere until then. I chose the library. I only had one book particularly in mind and it was all checked out, so I was left to wander aimlessly around in search of something to suit my mood at the time. I wandered down all the aisles of the young adult section (there aren't many) and through many of the fiction and biography aisles before I finally just started reading a book again I haven't read for a while. As I walked around I was overcome with the sheer quantity of books in a library. There's so much there, how is one to know what's worth reading and not? They have searches to tell you where a specific book is, or one about a specific topic, but what if you don't really know? I wish libraries had clerks that knew what was in the books as well as where to find them and how to use the electronic catalog. Wouldn't it be grand to go to a library and say "I want to read something that will make me feel like I can do anything today" or "I would like a book that I can enjoy in little bits, during what breaks I can fit in here and there" or even "I just need a good book today." and then have them be able to point you to a book or two that hits just the right spot. I know it wouldn't be in the budget to employ people just for that purpose, but it would be grand I think. (And I'm sure I know of a few people that would be glad to do that for the rest of their lives. Read books so they can recommend them to others... what a job!) I bet people would read a lot more if they could find something to suit them without wading through mountains of titles that mean nothing. Anyway, it's just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think we're a long ways away from that. Already, Goodreads can make some pretty good suggestions based on what you already have read...
