Thursday, November 3, 2011

Two things I saw when I got home

I saw two interesting things when I got home from school/Ashley's today:
A rooster. In our car park area. We are in the middle of the city. Where did this rooster come from?


My free, yes, FREE authentic replica RSL jersey with my name and number on the back. Direct from RSL in SLC. On a whim I text entered a Gatorade RSL sweepstakes and this is what I won. It even still had the tags attached! Yay! "I look so good!"

What a good day.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Pumpkin

This both one of the coolest carving jobs and one of my nearest to epic fail I've ever come with carving a pumpkin. Not since the foot fell off of my headless horseman have I had so many breaks in my carving. I created this design by combining two others I found online. When I printed it out I actually thought it might be too big for my pumpkin, but about half way through poking the holes I realized I could've gone significantly larger (and it would've helped so much!) What we ended up with is an awesome design slightly too small on a pumpkin slightly too small for the details of the design. I got about half of it carved out last night after ward prayer but I had a job lined up so I had to go to bed at a reasonable time. I had been carving the flesh out inside as I did the design so the light could shine through and it created a pretty unstable surface that ripped pretty easily. Due to these problems poor Doctor Who lost one eye and his thumb. I kept them and hoped to be able to reattach them after it was all carved out. Then I went to bed.
   When I got back to my pumpkin after school today all the carved stuff had dried out and shriveled up like a pumpkin does after sitting outside for a day or two. The eye and thumb had also shriveled up and I thought there was no hope for reattaching them. Then I had the brilliant idea of trying to rehydrate them I soaked them in a cup of water while I finished carving, then I soaked the whole pumpkin face in my laundry bucket in shower. It worked! It all came un-shriveled and I was able to use 2 safety pins (they were the only pointy thing I had...) to reattach his eye. In the picture you can hardly even tell the safety pins are there. I think it turned out pretty well considering all the broken pieces and such.
   The image is of the 11th doctor with his sonic screwdriver and the TARDIS is in the back. First a look at what it looks like on the computer, where you can do fine details to your heart's content...
Now, the finished product-
"Bow ties are cool!"
Not to shabby, if I say so myself. I had closer up shots, but they turned out kinda fuzzy. Fuzzy pictures makes me feel like I'm not wearing my contacts, so you'll have to make do with the farther away one. I didn't get a really amazing costume this year (I was a Philipino table tennis champ = ) so I'm glad that I had at least one bit of Halloween awesomeness.