Sunday, October 16, 2011

Stuff that has happened within the last week II

Sugared bacon wrapped water chestnuts.
Holy smokes. So good.

I never realized what cut-throat business it was trying to get someone called to a calling. I had to rock-paper-scissors the RS 2nd counselor today over a sister in our ward (for who got her for their committee). We were sitting next to each other and the said sister was speaking and we learned that we both were requesting her for a calling. I totally won, but the RS is heavy and they're reluctant give her up...

I got sick Thursady. I'm better now. Shout out to ShaReece who went and got me some Canada Dry even though it was the day before her wedding and her family was coming over soon. Also to Nate who left work to come give me a blessing. Good people!

Pearl cotton thread doesn't fit in a regular cross stitch needle. Hmm.

"Just Like Heaven"- strange movie. She's not dead, but she's haunting her apartment? And they just let him walk away after he tries to steal her body? I mean really? Even if she did wake up from a 3 month coma they still wouldn't just let him walk away. I'm just sayin...

For those not on fb- I totally won a RSL jersey with my name on the back. I entered some Gatorade-RSL sweepstakes thing through text over a month ago one day while I was grocery shopping. I was hoping for RSL tickets, but I'll take the jersey for sure! I can't wait for it to come = )

We had a stake RS meeting today. One of the stake RS counselors talked to us about being good a good wife. I realize that it's a very important thing, but doesn't it seem like a strange topic for an entire stake of single women?

At some point I would really like the opportunity to see Ashley and I at the gym from an outsider's view. I think we're pretty funny to listen to, I hope they think the same. (Who has two thumbs and is a Hufflepuff? I'm a Hufflepuff!) ((youtube it.))

Um. that's all. Have a lovely day!


  1. Yes, revelation in callings is sometimes more complex than we thought! Thank heavens for a bishop to approve all the callings, or who knows where we'd all end up!

    Glad you're feeling better, sorry you were sick :(

  2. Stop stealing my sisters! rock paper scissors or no, you have enough now!
