Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Being all homemaker-y

I read an article the other day about the saddest and most disgusting thing I've ever read about food. There's a reality tv show (oh, the depths we have sunk too that this passes as something worth spending time on...) called "Here comes Honey Boo Boo" about a super red-neck family who's daughter Alana (aka Honey Boo Boo) is in pageants or something. I guess a while back the show featured what this family eats when they haven't gotten any road kill for a while and are out of meat. The meal it showed them cooking they call 'sketti' and it's spaghetti noodles with a concoction of half butter (probably margarine actually, even worse...) and half ketchup melted together and poured on the top. It looks like spaghetti sauce... but it makes me sick just thinking about what it would smell like, or taste like, or do to your body...

   Anyway, this article was about how a blogger saw this and decided she could make a cheaper and healthier spaghetti from store bought goods, and she did. Before reading this article I had been sitting around thinking "Gee, I've got so much time today, what am I supposed to do with it?" (I did nothing with it, btw) But then I read this and realized- I should cook! I can cook, I'm just really lazy when it comes to cooking (or most things...) and so I usually eat things like mashed potatoes, rice and veggies, burritos, frozen veggies and raviolis. Things that are quick and easy (but not THAT quick and easy, cuz then you get into the sketti and easy mac realm, and that's scary) But since I have time on days when I don't have meetings and activities to go to, I should try to make cooking something I enjoy more. This article had some nice links to blogs and such that feature recipes that are easy and quick, but not potato flakes, which is just what I'm looking for. (though I'll still eat my fake mashed potatoes...)

    Now this is not going to become a food blog, but I did want to show off some of what this new resolution has produced: Behold carrot/cucumber/cream cheese sushi and "Squaketti" (the recipe the blogger made that was cheaper/healthier than sketti)

Et voila. I think I'm going to like this cooking thing.
And as a bonus, here's a cake I made for my roommate a few weeks back. I feel so culinary-y.
It's the Bat sign... in case you were wondering... I'm not much of an artist, so just take what you get.

And I crocheted a hot pad/wash cloth something Sunday, but I left it at school. I'll talk about that later... so stay tuned!

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