It's Thanksgiving day and I thought I would join in the spirit of the day by saying a few things that I am grateful for. Naturally I am grateful for my family, health, schooling opportunities, friends, house, car, clothing, computer, and country. I'm especially grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ that gives me direction and hope every day. But I've had a few things this last week or so that I've become aware of that I've realized how grateful I am for.
I'm grateful that I have learned to choose to be happy. I was blessed to have a generally happy personality from the get go, I don't often get down in the dumps for long. But of course it's not sunshine and roses all the time. There are times it's ok to be sad, so I'm definitely not saying you have to be grinning like a fool happy 24/7, but you definitely don't have to be in the depths of despair every time something doesn't go your way. One of the catch phrases from this last summer was "It's ok, the church is still true." I'm grateful that I learned to have that attitude a long time ago. Things aren't going your way? It's ok, things will work out. Eat some ice cream then pick yourself up and go enjoy the sunshine and the good things around you. God's got your back, trust in him and you'll be just fine.
I'm grateful that I love to read. It's not something I am always in the mood for, but I really love books and reading. I received a surprise a while back when the Wall Street Journal showed up on my driveway. It's part of my Christmas present this year from Christine. At first I thought, what am I going to do with this? But I've really enjoyed it. I read the BBC news regularly, blogs, history, fiction, church books... I gain a lot, I feel, through reading and I'm grateful that it has been a part of my life from the start.
I'm grateful that I learned to be socially proactive. It's still nice to be invited to do things, but I no longer wait for it. I figure, I'll invite people and if they don't want to play they'll say no. I can't even imagine where I would be today if I hadn't learned to change that attitude after high school. I certainly wouldn't have the great friends I have now or have had in the past. I'm grateful for my friends and the great times we've had together and the things I've learned from them.
I'm grateful that I have learned to give people the benefit of the doubt. I've learned that the way someone behaves towards me probably doesn't have much to do with me. I've learned that I don't know what's in people's heart and for the most part people try their best. I've learned a little bit about compassion and trying a bit harder to be a bit more like Christ. I still fail miserably a lot, sometimes inadvertently sometime cuz I'm just not there yet, but I see progress and that makes me thankful for the Savior and his Atonement that makes it possible.
And I'm thankful for my brain and the way it works. I'm really grateful that I'm a logical thinker and can usually maintain some sort of objectivity and think through problems and find answers. I'm sure I'd be grateful for whatever cranial talents I received, but I like the ones I did.
Well, don't know what you got out of that, but I hope you can find some more things to be grateful for this season of thanksgiving- beyond the standard list. Have a great turkey day!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Once, we had a band.
Once upon a time Tanner, Tia, and I played a song for our ward talent show. A little while later Tanner, Abby, and I played a different song for Tanner's ward talent show. (It's the last one we play in this video) Then we added Becca and we had our band. Tanner plays the guitar and writes most of the music. Abby plays the accordion. I play the ukulele and tambourine and hand drum. Becca plays violin. She's pretty great. I don't know if she ever plays the same thing twice, she just makes it up as she goes. Unfortunately she leaves for Romania for her mission later this month. But, maybe we can find someone else to fill her shoes somewhat. Anyway, we played a show at the local venue a while ago. We played mostly songs Tanner wrote and one by the Decemberists. (it's the last one.) Ashley was kind enough to video it. She was on the front row, so not all of us fit in the screen- but it's ok, tambourine's the least fun to watch. Enjoy!
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