I fear I'm in danger of becoming one of those bloggers that really belongs on instagram or tumbler. I keep taking pictures of things with my crummy little phone camera (my better camera broke if you'll recall.) and thinking I'll blog them. I also keep thinking of things that I wish I had a picture of to blog. Well, I guess I'll feed that tendency and share with you a delightful picture of me in fishing waders.
They belong to a boy in my ward named Nick. If you're familiar with the trip to Swiss Days last weekend, he's the one that drove down and brought all his fishing gear. We went to the fair then went fishing since Mom and Dad weren't home yet. We went to a place off Midway Lane on the Provo River and learned how to fly fish. That's the picture above. We went again yesterday on the Logan River. I looked pretty much the same just with a jacket on under the waders this time. I didn't really need the waders for the Provo River, it was a nice day and the water was pretty fine. I just wore them because it was silly and I like silly things. (note the size of the shoes, silly is the right description. I felt like a fishing clown in those.) Yesterday I wore them because it was overcast, occasionally rainy, and the water was cold. I would have been frozen through after 30 minutes, so it was good he had them. I guess an alternative would also to have simply stayed on the bank of the river, but that's harder and less fun, so waders it is!
I can see why fly fishing is alluring... reels you in... (what other puns can I make?) easy to get hooked on...
You go out to a peaceful place on a river, usually by yourself or with only a few people, stand in the water and just fish and enjoy nature. It wasn't quite that calm and peaceful either time I went just because we were learning and had lots of tangled lines and snagged trees and trying to find a good spot to cast from. But usually it's just you and nature. Nick said he really likes fly fishing because he feels really cool after tricking a fish. I personally don't think tricking a fish sounds that awesome, but I know what he means.
Now because I said 'tricking a fish' I feel we should all go enjoy the Bad Lip Reading version of Twilight, the first one. "Dude, you slapped a fish!..." Enjoy! (You'll like it, even if you don't like/have never seen Twilight. I haven't, and I thought it was great.)