I was thinking the other day how it's probably a good thing I don't have a fancy phone and Instagram. I'd probably end up being one of those lame-o people that post pictures of food and stupid stuff no one cares about. The main reason for this isn't that I actually think other people care about these things, but that I do (to some extent). I get so much joy out of everyday things like a great salad or a giant shoe that I would post it regardless of whether anyone else cares. I'd also probably run wild with #hastags because they're just so silly. So here we go- a sample, What if I had Instagram and used #s?
(and think, these are all pics I just took on my phone this year without instragram to post to. It would only get worse if I knew I had instagram to post to...)
Ooh, we're at the Parachute concert. Doesn't it look like fun? Aren't you glad I took a picture and posted it so you could all see how cool it is? Oh, what's that, you can't tell? Yeah.... #yourphonecameraisn'tthatgreat #stoptakingpicturesandenjoytheshow |
Ah, legos. Ah, Star Wars. Ah, children's lit. It's a beautiful thing. This is from a 'book' my nephew got. #Noooooooooo #kidstillatheart #ilovelegos #beingsillyisthebest |
And this is only a size 20 or something, still smaller than Shaq's. #ginormous #theDIisthebest #peopleofDI #iamwearingsomanylayers #loganwinters |
This is my niece. She's 5. she climbed it all by herself. She rocks. #mynieceisthecoolest #it'shardnotputtingpunctuationinthesethings #rockclimbingisthebest #futurerockstar |
A friendly reminder from Mountain Crest High School #goingtothecafeteria #highschoollunch #yummy! |
View from the patio behind the Crepery. #lastdayofschool #ilovetheoutdoors #ushistoryisneat #crepesarethebest #ruralfeelinginthemiddleoftown |
Found at the farmer's market #thetardisisapeanut #thefarmer'smarketisthebest |
Mmmmmm. Salad. #ithinkthisisn'thowthislookedinmyhead #healthyme #iactuallyaterealfood #morereasonstolovesummer #saladisthebest |
First one was too small, second was too big... sigh. #newwallet #ducttapeisthebest #thanksmom |
Did I mention I like duct tape? #Ilikeducttape #ducttapeforever #ducttapeisthebest |
It's mine now! Fresh from the yard sale. #newtome #Yardsalesarethebest #toobadidon'tactuallymountainbikelikeever #guessishouldbuyahelmet #timeforanewhobby | | | | | | |