We only had one week of SAH EFY as a team, so we got to start our over night sessions in Logan the next week. The big thing for coordinators each week is check in, and we were expecting a mess. Usually we'd take some time on Saturday night and go through the housing lists and try to head off housing problems before the kids arrived and made it all dramatic and complicated. We were expecting a mess because we didn't get the session info with enough time to do that. We were expecting a lot of upset parents and whiny kids. It didn't happen. It was magic. The only people who had housing requests were people who didn't want to room with their friend. One was really funny. A couple moms came up and asked us if they could move their sons into a different group. You see they were, by chance (really), in the same group as their other friends, which their moms weren't happy about. They wanted them to branch out and meet new people and not spend the whole week with their regular friends. But we couldn't let the boys know that their moms were asking us to move them. So we got to pretend that some other kids needed to change and so they had to switch rooms. It was really fun. I figured it was too easy and so something was going to happen during the week. I was right. It was a pretty special week. We had a crazy girl who (probably) wasn't taking her medications and was freaking out her whole group. We ended up putting her into a group with her sister and having the counselor watch her take her meds each day.
We also had a lot of medical problems. We ended up going to the hospital 4 times that week.
1. Complex migraine- they are commonly mistaken as mini-strokes. That was exciting because her aunt and uncle came and went back in the back with her, so Laruie the HC and I got to sit in the waiting room for some sort of word on what was going on. While we were there we got to meet some really lovely people. A 5-ish year old kid, that I really couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl, wrecked his/her bike and screwed up his/her wrist. The parents had a super adorable baby just learning to walk. There was our more intimate friend who was waiting to get stitches in her hand after she put a hole in it with a nail that was sticking out of an ottoman she was moving. Her husband and kids were at some relative's house, so it was her night to kick back, relax, and read a book... Then there was the amazing elderly gentleman who rolled his car down an embankment in the rain earlier that day, probably a good 5-7 hours before, and had only come to the ER because his wife wanted him just to make sure that his neck was fine. We had a lot of good conversation while we waited till late into the evening. Finally her aunt was able to sign for her and we came back to campus. She got better that night and returned the next day.
2. A girl with diabetes had extremely high blood sugar and couldn't get it down. I didn't actually take this one to the hospital, but from what I hear it was quite a miracle that she wasn't in a more serious situation. It had all the signs of being very bad and leading to a lot of time spent in the hospital, but she was just fine after they finally got her blood sugar down.
3. Thursday morning a girl got out of bed and went to walk and proceeded to fall flat on her face. She had a boot on her left leg because she had popped a tendon in her left ankle. She'd just gotten off crutches and was rejoicing in her freedom. Naturally her other leg was taking quite the beating because it was taking all the stress off the other one. She felt the pain behind her right knee, but Eric couldn't find any problem with it, off to the hospital we go. We had previously gone to the IHC hospital, but we weren't hurrying anywhere, so we went looking for an insta-care cuz we thought there was one at the specialty hospital. There wasn't one, but we went to the specialty hospital anyway. It was so great. They got us in right away. Our nurse, Eli, was great, he got Eric and I juice to drink while we waited. It was pretty fun. It turns out she did the exact same thing to her right leg that she did to her left and had to get a boot and crutches. Yes, she had a boot on both legs. She was a really good sport about it. She had fun getting pushed around in a wheel chair and dancing on crutches.
4. Friday a girl slipped off a curb and sprained her ankle. Eric confirmed that it was only sprained, but her mom wanted us to take her in to get it checked out. So at way to late at night we got to take her to the ER and waited around to find out that it was indeed only a sprain and get her some crutches.
Whew! It was quite the busy week. I don't really have a picture to post from this week. Sorry. It was fun being back to the over night sessions and all the fun that comes along with that (pizza!). Or session director was Bro. Anderson. He was definitely a teacher. He made teacher jokes. He did a "Tangled taking it home" lesson at the end of the week. Tangled really does work quite well as an comparison to our being children of God and our purpose on earth. It's fun to watch that movie trying to see how many gospel analogies you can find. Try it. = )